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Jane Ripps
Managing Editor, ODYSSEY Media Group
broadcast journalism
Although my experience in broadcast is limited, it became an especially enticing medium of news I looked to explore my sophomore year. I was inspired by the silly TikToks my generation has grown to consume as entertainment, and decided I wanted to experiment and create my own experiential video where I learned how to play soccer. I essentially taught myself how to compile footage and edit it together, and following this experience, I was hooked.
Now, almost two years later, I have applied my learned experience to multimedia, podcast production, as well as the more newsy approach I took on during a pre-convention session at the National Scholastic Press Association conference.
broadcast videos
When I attended the National Scholastic Press Association conference in 2023, I took a pre-convention class with award-winning journalist Michael Hernandez. I had never done the camera work for a broadcast video before, but I ended up learning how to work with nature light, establishing shots, as well as using natural noise to tell the story of the "Embrace" statue in Boston, Massachusetts.
To the right, I have included my notes from my pre-convention class with award-winning journalist Michael Hernandez. I learned so much about storytelling through broadcast, and how to be short and effective when creating a video in this class.
When I interviewed the CEO of a program in my community for people with social needs, I wanted to record our conversation for multimedia storytelling. This was the first time I ever did this, and immediantly after the interview I picked the more informative quote and create a short video for readers to watch. The process taught me a lot about short broadcast pieces and how to make them quick and informative.
This is probably my favorite project I have ever worked on. I had this vision of creating a funny video where I learn how to play soccer which a varsity soccer player at my school. With zero previous broadcast experience, I had to teach myself how to use iMovie, and I had to figure out how to create a video that flowed well. We posted it on our Instagram, and it got over 4,000 views and almost 300 likes.
In February of 2022 my media group went to the Georgia Scholastic Press Association winter conference. I was tasked with creating a video for a contest and this was my first experience ever with broadcast. I learned a lot about B-Roll, music, and all the elements that contribute to a good viewing experience.

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Being a student-athlete is no easy task, and I have learned from my experiences as a competitive swimmer. I recorded this podcast with a teammate of mine who goes to my school and we talked about the constant balancing act. This was the longest podcast I had ever recorded, and I really struggled with editing it. It took a lot of trial and error, but I didn't give up and ended up creating a really interesting piece.
After starting my freshman year as the only freshman on the Production Staff, I was definitely struggling. Gretchen Hinger, who was a senior on staff, took me under her wing. This podcast was the first one I have ever created and it was my tribute to Gretchen before she left for college. I struggled a lot in the beginning with editing it, but I slowly got the hang of it and created a piece I am really happy with.

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