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Jane Ripps
Managing Editor, ODYSSEY Media Group
team building
Within any newsroom, building relationships among the staff is crucial for the production of content as well as the enjoyment and passion throughout the process. When I was a section editor, this task would be as simple as asking my staffers how their days were going. Now as Managing Editor, I am in charge of organizing the more official activities for bonding.
Through the classroom events for celebrations or journalism conferences, I have truly recognized the significance of promoting a culture within our staff. As a senior member of the Leadership Team, this also means doing everything in my power to leave the program stronger than we found it -- especially through staff relationships and pride.
organizing cycle celebrations
At the end of each cycle, I work with the OMG Business Manager to organize a celebration for our hard work. This includes each Production staffer voting on a best story in a specific category, and recognizing that person. We also bring food and treats, as well as hand our plastic trophies to recognize accomplishments.
Quest for Athens' Best
conferences and conventions

In Nov. 2023, our editorial board attended the National Scholastic Press Association Conference in Boston, Massachusetts. After spending almost five days together, this experience strengthened my bonds with fellow editors and I got to get to know people I usually don't have the chance work with everyday. This helped us work more as a team when we returned back to school.

Every year, my media group attends the Southern Interscholastic Press Association Convention in Columbia, S.C. Compared to NSPA, this out-of-state trip is for everyone on staff, including freshmen who are in a separate class. Each time I have gone, I have bonded with students from across all grade levels which has created a more close knit staff.
Twice a year, our media group attends the Georgia Scholastic Press Association Fall and Spring conference. It is local, and so all grades can attend. These experiences present a bonding opportunity for our whole staff. In the past, I have been partnered with seniors on staff who have been able to guide and mentor me throughout the day. Now, as a senior myself, I have been able to do the same.

in-class celebrations
Every Thanksgiving, we also host a big Friendsgiving in class. It's potluck style, and so everyone brings food for each other. This is always a fun time to get together, eat food, and not have to worry about our work and assignments. It's also November, so it's a great chance to get to know everyone more since the start of the school year.

When December rolls around, we always have Secret Holiday Gift Giver where we are assigned a classmate to buy a gift for. In class, we reveal one by one what we got for each other and who our gift givers are, and so it's super fun to watch. These random assignments also encourage staff bonding because I have to shop for people I don't work with.
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